I can still remember watching
Gene Scott, as a kid, on late night television. He was, what you would say, a rather "unique" televangelist. He
smoked cigars, cussed, demanded money from his viewers, and wrote Greek and Hebrew letters on his white board. Pretty cool stuff, as a kid, when your only other options on religious television were people with weird hair slaying each other in the spirit.
Some of his classic moments in my memory: (1) Stopping his teaching and yelling at the camera saying, "I'm not teaching until there's more money!" He then proceeded to smoke his cigar for about a half hour before picking up his teaching. (2) Riding his horse around his horse track over and over again to a Neil Diamond song. (3) Hanging out with his friends at his horse ranch--his friends just happened to be pretty young girls. He had a thing for ministering to pretty girls. (4) Playing his saxophone on stage with his tie wrapped around his head. (5) Trying to explain why Hebrew words are cooler than others.
Teaching? Doctrine? I can't remember a thing! I don't remember a thing that he ever taught on. I think that God protected me from everything that he had to say. He was just the interesting guy who smoked a cigar and talked about God. Dr. Scott passed away a few years back. Looking back now, he's the last person in the world that I would ever want to be handcuffed to when they died. Gene Scott was the perfect
False Teacher--he fleeced people of their money, lived a licentious lifestyle, and taught doctrine that damns the soul.
The only thing that I respect about him is that he was typically pretty honest about his feelings on things. Also, the fact the G. Campbell Morgan was one of his favorite writers--I have no idea why he liked Morgan! Anyways, Scott is gone, but you can still have the Gene Scott Experience through his website.
Labels: Bad Theology