Thursday, November 30, 2006

Mark Driscoll Takes Some Heat

It seems that there is a protest, set for December 3, at Mark Driscoll's Ballard Campus Church. The protesters are part of a group, in Seattle, called People Against Fundamentalism. It seems that the people against fundamentalism are fundamentally opposed to those who have strong views and wish that others believed like they do. They will not tolerate intolerance of any sort (download here).

I am personally not tolerant of those who are intolerant of those that practice and exhort others to be intolerant--it's all just very intolerable.


Sunday, November 26, 2006

Venison Galore

I had a lot of fun, this year, harvesting some venison at Cedarmore. My daughters have even helped out a bit. So far, we have processed 4 does for the season. This will probably be it for me--unless I happen to take one bow hunting later on.

If you process venison correctly and use good recipes, then it can be a wonderful treat. Many people have had bad experiences with venison because of it's "gaminess". This could be for many reasons, but probably because the right recipe wasn't used.

I have a few interesting stories to tell this hunting season. One involves an angry momma doe and the other involves a very tired momma doe. More on that later.


Saturday, November 25, 2006

Polka Mass

You know, if the Catholic Church was this much fun, when I was growing up, then I may never have left! Polka and the Mass go together like peas and carrots. Fun, fun, fun!


Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The Colts Drop Their First

Believe it or not, I'm actually glad that the Colts finally lost their first game of the season. Now we can get on with some football instead of all of the hype about going undefeated for the season. They have a long way to go to win a Superbowl. Hopefully, now, we can concentrate on more important things--like not choking in the playoffs.


Tuesday, November 14, 2006

I Really Love Those Rainbows

You know--it just doesn't get any better. This has to be the goofiest album cover that I have ever seen. I tried to do one of my Album Reviews on it and I found myself at a loss for words. It's sort of a "Mister Rogers meets TBN" moment. I'm truly speechless.


Thursday, November 09, 2006

More Goodies From John Frame

At the beginning of the year, it was brought to my attention, that John Frame was coming out with a new Introduction To Systematic Theology. After reading his Doctrine of God book, a few years back, (and since rereading and often referring back to it), I was eagerly anticipating this particular release. I'm pleased to say that I finally received it and I am a happier man for it!

I really appreciate Frame on a personal level. I've had the opportunity and privilege to hear him lecture a few times. I appreciate his humility in dealing with theology and his desire for more charity in theological studies.

In the upcoming weeks, I would like to do some posts on the book--perhaps, even doing a post per chapter. I'm not quite sure how I'll do it. But he's provoked me to want to flush out a few subjects that I have been quite interested in for some time now. One, in particular, has to do with the Biblical notion of the Millennium. Though Frame offers a different perspective on this subject than what I subscribe to, he states some interesting things that are worth exploring. This is a subject, that I believe, that the Reformed tradition has dropped the ball on. More on that later.


Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I've Been Nacho Libre'd

Once you've been Libre'd--there's no going back. There are 2 types of people in this world, the Libre'd and the non-Libre'd. I am of the Libre'd sort. Have a nice day now!


Monday, November 06, 2006

The Colts Beat The Pats!!!!

Last night was one of the best games that I have ever seen. The Indianapolis Colts dismantled the New England Patriots 27-20, for the second straight year, in Foxboro. No small feat for anybody. They are now the only undefeated team left, in the NFL, at 8-0. The New England demons have officially been exorcised--at least for regular season games!

Now comes all of the talk and hype. Will the Colts go undefeated? Can they finally win a Superbowl? The answer to all of these questions is--who knows?! Anything can happen in the NFL. Who would have thought that the Steelers would win a Superbowl one year and, perhaps, not even make the playoffs the next year?

I was very impressed with Manning and his offense. But their defense stepped up in a way that made them great. They have all of the makings of a Superbowl team--not just to win one, but to have a dynasty. If they can win one this year, then I have no doubt that Manning will win more before he retires. But they have to get the playoff monkey off of their backs. That is the final piece to the championship puzzle. GO COLTS!!!!!!!
