Album Review: Don Lonie Talks Again

Listen to Don Lonie talk and talk and talk and talk! There's just no one quite like Don--he talks like he was born for it! Hear talking at it's very best.
Listen to him talk about himself, his wife, his kids, his car, his pet bird, and much much more! His new hit single, "Be Quiet, I need to talk" has the charts buzzing! Other hits include, "Talking is fun for everyone" and the ever popular gansta rap, "Talkin' ain't easy when you're livin in the hood."
"Talking has been taken to a new level. Bravo Don Lonie."---Sean Hannity
"As a professional talker myself, I've got to say, Don Lonie has talked himself right into my heart. Great job Donnie boy!"---Larry King
"I'm inspired, I'm humbled....I won't ever talk the same again. Thanks Don."--Oprah Winfrey
I just love a good talker!! Especially talking set to music.
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