Sunday, August 27, 2006

Feeling the Frustration

A rather blunt, insightful, and comical diatribe against the feminization of the PCUSA can be found here (article here). It's amazing to me how people, who call themselves Christian, can come up with such nonsense about critical doctrines like the Trinity.

Yet another example of allowing culture to dictate your theology, rather than allowing God's revelation to guide and instruct us.

Another good reason to emphasis strong male leadership within the local church. When the men are strong in the church, the marriages are strong, and the life of the church is put into proper order. I've yet to meet a woman who didn't want their husband to be a strong leader in the home and in their church. The PCUSA ceased from being Christian a long time ago. Time to jump ship!


Thursday, August 17, 2006

Let That Be A Lesson To You

Shane's Thursday Safety Tip:

It's better to be safe than sorry. Be careful around steep slopes and alligators. Especially if you are in a wheeled vehicle. God bless.


Monday, August 14, 2006

Spam Comments???

I've heard of spam emails, spam faxes, and computer generated phone calls--but now, we have spam comments on blogs!! My blog has been receiving random and senseless spam comments from Lord knows what or who. I've had to turn my Comment Moderator on to deal with them.

It's just another example of living in a fallen and depraved world.


Sunday, August 06, 2006

Nehemiah Michael McGrath

Nehemiah Michael McGrath
August 2, 2006
7 lbs. 12 oz.
19 1/2 inches
