Gender Confusion: Imagine That!

I did quite a bit of research into John Wimber (pictured here) and the Vineyard movement when I first became a Christian. It was evident to me then, as it is even more now, that there is a dangerously low view of Scripture amongst many of the leaders associated with this movement. Experience and cultural influences have become powerful agents of persuasion in many of these churches. Their theology doesn't begin with God and His glory, but with man (woman) and their feelings on any given matter. This is why the so-called Toronto Blessing could be spawned from their movement. This is why the now infamous "prophetic gift" movement could come out of their movement. And now we have this.
When we reject the very clear teaching of the Bible and set up our own practices in place of them, we are walking on dangerous ground. Once we begin to compromise one issue, the temptation to compromise on others gains more and more ground. We must hold firm to a high view of Scripture and to the glorification of God in all things.
Labels: Theology
As a true Berean, I decided to search this out for myself and email the National Director for the Vineyard Churches. Here's what I emailed him:
"Mr. Waggoner,
Thank you for taking a moment of your time. I just wondered if it is true what I am reading about The Vineyard Churches opening the door for female pastors? I wanted to go to the source of Vineyard and find out for myself. Thank you for your help. Kari"
And, here was his reply to me today:
We are not opening our doors. We have had women pastors for many years.
Berten A. Waggoner
National Director"
Short, simple, and sadly to the point. Kari
In other words, "we have had women pastors for years now, we are just trying to get the people who oppose this on board."
But how do you get people on board when the scriptures are so clear? It will be interesting to see how the Vineyard Churches deal with this as a whole.
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