Jesus the Socialist?

After waiting a few seconds (to allow God the opportunity), I very enthusiastically spoke up in His defense. I simply pointed out her misunderstanding of the Book of Acts and that the "sharing of goods amongst the brethren" was simply that--the early church helping each other out. This was not meant to be applied to government, or a socialist system. Also, I pointed out to her the repeated terminology of Jesus, in the Scriptures, as the reigning King of Kings and Lord of Lords. A Monarchy would be more accurate in respect to Christ.
After gently, but firmly correcting her, one of the other students spoke up. He was known as the "anti-Christian" of the class. He had been very outspoken, in some of the other classes, about how he despised Christianity and how he thought it was a total waste of time. He was always very quick to speak up on the subject of Christ and Christianity. After struggling a bit with his choice of words, he stated that "Christ was to be respected" and "understood as someone truly great". There seemed to be something different in his voice--he seemed to be struggling with something.
At church, the week before, I had specifically prayed for him with the church. The whole church lifted him up and I asked that the Lord would reveal Himself to him. When we were praying, his face just came to my mind. I didn't think much of it at the time, until he said that in my class.
It was one of those "holy moments" for me. Not only did God give me the boldness and calmness to speak up that day, but He also seemed to be dealing with a hardened critic.
A benign monarchy is indeed what we will someday have--Praise God!!
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