Hodge on Justification

The understanding of this doctrine seems to be at the very heart of mankind's dilemma before God. It has been rightly said that this doctrine separates all religions into two distinct categories: (1) Those that seek to be justified by works and (2) those who seek to be justified by grace and faith. The "narrow road" of Justification by Faith is clearly in the minority, while those religious systems that seek to set works as our means of being justified before God is the "broader road" of the world. Having grown-up Roman Catholic, this doctrine is very important to me. It brings clarity to our lives and gives a sure foundation for our Christian faith.
I have had many folks who disagree with Justification by faith alone try to use James 2:24 as their argument. I like this post. I am going to post something I wrote about this subject on my blog. You got me fired up!
Hey, I am actaully reading "Outlines of Theology" by A.A. Hodge. I believe Charles is his Father. DO you know if that is true?
Yes, Charles Hodge is the father of A.A. Hodge. Both taught at Princeton. Princeton went liberal shorlty after them and the conservatives formed Westminster Theological Seminary on the east coast. Westminster in Califormia formed later.
Next time you are here, Josh, I need to show you one of my books from A.A. Hodge.
It's an original publication from 1888. It's pretty cool. I think that it might be the first edition of his "Outlines of Theology" book.
I would like to see that!
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