Master's Seminary Faculty Lectures

The Emergent Church Movement is an important issue to learn about. There is much about the movement, on the surface at least, that is attractive. However, when you really look at the core issues, it's nothing but Liberalism repackaged. These lectures do a great job of getting into the minds of the proponents of this movement. If there are other good resources out there, on the issue, then please let me know about them.
Brian McLaren did an interview with a guy who has a blog where you can download mp3s. It is a 2 part interview and it takes a little time to hear all of it but it is worth listening to. My heart really breaks for the guy giving the interview. The interviewer is really struggling and cries out for help and never gets a real answer from mclaren. I recommend listening to it if you have any interest in Mclaren's own thoughts. THe 2nd part is the main stuff. Listen to it if you only have time for one. BUt the first really sets the stage for the 2nd.(imagine that) I'm an idiot. THe link is You may have to scroll down or check the archives to find it.
Thanks for the link Josh.
Excellent resource Josh! I listened to both and it really exposed McLaren's thought process. Things keep getting worse and worse for him....
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