Imputed Righteousness and Justification

Perhaps one of the greatest scandals in the Evangelical Church today is that this subject is rarely or never taught on. With all of the fad books floating around, it's refreshing to see some modern pastors and theologians actually publishing on these vital topics. Many of Piper's books have been best sellers, so there must be a hunger out there for more doctrinally drenched books.
I would also like to highly recommend John Piper's new DVD entitled, "When I Don't Desire God: How to Fight for Joy." You can purchase it here (DVD). The one thing that I have always appreciated about Piper's ministry is that he keeps his costs low on his resources. He will even work with those who can't afford the cost of any given resource. Freely He gave to us, freely we should give to others.
I popped over to say thanks for the link. This article is yet another word from Piper that is fresh and relevant and Biblical for the church today.
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