Clinton Vs. McCain

In a heads up matchup, McCain would easily prevail. However, he has two major problems: (1) Age, and (2) shaky support amongst Conservative Republicans. Most are polite enough to not make his age an issue, but it will be, in my opinion, an issue nonetheless. The Conservative thing is serious but can easily be overcome. After all, McCain is pro-life, strong on defense, and has recently voted to extend some of Bush's tax-cuts. If he can successfully make his case to the Conservatives, then I believe that they will back him.
Hillary has one major problem--the people that don't like her, REALLY don't like her. Even worse, is the fact that almost half of the electorate already has made up their mind that they will NOT vote for her (around 47% in another poll that I read). She inflames passions by the mere mention of her name. This is a serious, and perhaps, fatal blow to her ambitions. It will be interesting to watch how it all unfolds.
It'd be nice to see Condi get some encouragement from the polls but, they aren't as kind to her. They actually prefer Clinton to her!
McCain is only liked because he was one of the few Republicans who seemed to be fighting the White House on several issues. He's too moderate for me but, he's WAY WAY better than Hillary.
Yes, he is pro-life, but he does allow for exceptions for the life of the mother and so forth. He could make a case to the conservatives that he will fight against partial-birth abortion and make this a campaign issue. If he came out hard on this issue, then he could get back some ground that he lost in 2000.
His waffling in 2000 was mainly due to the fact that he allowed for those exceptions. He has said many times that he identifies with the pro-life side. He even mentioned this to John Kerry when he was approached by him to be his Vice President.
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