Emerging Liberalism Part One

I had almost put him out of my mind until the day that I heard that he was "disinvited" from speaking at the Kentucky Baptist Convention's Evangelism Conference in the Spring of 2005. Critical articles expressing concerns for his theology began to spring up (One Example Here). People began to openly ask, "Is he that bad...I've heard such great things about him?" Little did I know at the time just how far off he really was. My next series of posts will be dealing with the teachings of this now controversial teacher. I think that by examining his theology and thought, we can learn a lot about the subtle dangers of Liberalism and why a man-centered theology simply doesn't work. More to come later.
What do you mean by the "emerging church" for those of us lay people, who need the "theology book for dummies"? I read Mohler's article, but he was speaking greek to me. Kari
Women shouldn't care about such things.
Just joking. I'll explain it to you when I see you next.
I look forward to your posts and thoughts. I have read some of Mclaren's work and I too am very concerned that he has such a voice of influence in the young generation of leaders that are our peers.
Okay, well, when I see you, we can talk!! :) But, there may be others who are reading this blog and have no idea what it is, either. So, I just went and googled the emergent church and Brian MacLaren, and I still have no idea what the "emergent church" is. There seems to be no definition out there, even to their own acknowledgement. And, what they do say, is worded so no one can understand-well, not us "uneducated women"! :) What I do read on their doctrinal pages seems to be orthodox. Just my first impressions. Kari
That's just it Kari. In my search of defining the emerging church I couldn't find out anything of what they believe. I just had to listen to interviews and read articles to find out what they believe. I honestly think that it is intentional. It's hard to put your thumb on a belief when you aren't consistent in your theology. It's hard to pin them down and get consistant answers. I am looking forward to the next post from Shane.
I don't think that the emerging church can be defined. I know some churches that can easily be grouped into the emerging church but have strong doctrine and sound Biblical teaching, while others resemble more of a coffee shop than they do a New Testament church. McLaren is one of many personalities that speak as a part of the emerging church. I just wish they would go ahead and emerge and be called the CHURCH, if in fact that is what they are. My point is this...the emerging church is more of a cultural paradigm than it is a definable entity. Mclaren's theology is hidden among his terminology, which is yet another cause for concern about him as a spokesperson for any part of the church.
I recently bought D.A. Carson's latest book "Becoming Conversant with the Emerging Church: Understanding a Movement and its Implications". Hopefully, I will get the time to read it soon. One chapter I did scan pointed out how McLaren often states in his book that he is very intentional about being difficult to pin down. His goal is really to create more questions than to provide answers.
I'm looking forward to this series Shane.
BTW, Challies has a good review of this book:
If you don't read Challies, you should. He's an excellent blogger!
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