Sunday, November 26, 2006

Venison Galore

I had a lot of fun, this year, harvesting some venison at Cedarmore. My daughters have even helped out a bit. So far, we have processed 4 does for the season. This will probably be it for me--unless I happen to take one bow hunting later on.

If you process venison correctly and use good recipes, then it can be a wonderful treat. Many people have had bad experiences with venison because of it's "gaminess". This could be for many reasons, but probably because the right recipe wasn't used.

I have a few interesting stories to tell this hunting season. One involves an angry momma doe and the other involves a very tired momma doe. More on that later.



Blogger Josh Martin said...

I didn't fire the first round this year. I'm such a slacker! But I had a friend give me a deer that he shot so I cut out the loins and ground most of it up. Do you have a recommendation for cooking the tenderloins?

9:01 AM  
Blogger Shane McGrath said...

I like to cut mine into 2 inch sections and then butter-fly them out into 1 inch steaks. I then marinade them in Italian Dressing for 3 days (you can also use beer or whiskey to marinade). That both flavors them and breaks down the meat and tenderizes them a bit. I also put in fresh garlic. I actually make slits in the meat and insert pieces of fresh garlic. You can never have too much garlic!

I then bacon wrap them (use toothpicks) and grill them to medium.

I like to then sprinkle blue cheese on top--you can also put on some mushrooms and onions if you like. Sometimes, I'll make up some garlic butter to dip them in while I am eating.

Serve and eat while it is still hot--yummy, yummy, yummy!

10:15 AM  
Blogger DMC said...

I'd like to know when either of you are fixing this recipe so I can invite myself over! My only experience with deer was that it tasted gamey. This sounds great!

10:33 AM  
Blogger DMC said...

Shane, the last comment was from Dwayne Cook. It may have shown up as Marsha. I couldn't find your email address, so thought I'd send this this way. Dwayne -

10:34 AM  
Blogger Shane McGrath said...

Marsha, give Kari a call and set up a date and time. We would love to treat you guys to a steak dinner.

11:52 AM  

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