Thursday, November 09, 2006

More Goodies From John Frame

At the beginning of the year, it was brought to my attention, that John Frame was coming out with a new Introduction To Systematic Theology. After reading his Doctrine of God book, a few years back, (and since rereading and often referring back to it), I was eagerly anticipating this particular release. I'm pleased to say that I finally received it and I am a happier man for it!

I really appreciate Frame on a personal level. I've had the opportunity and privilege to hear him lecture a few times. I appreciate his humility in dealing with theology and his desire for more charity in theological studies.

In the upcoming weeks, I would like to do some posts on the book--perhaps, even doing a post per chapter. I'm not quite sure how I'll do it. But he's provoked me to want to flush out a few subjects that I have been quite interested in for some time now. One, in particular, has to do with the Biblical notion of the Millennium. Though Frame offers a different perspective on this subject than what I subscribe to, he states some interesting things that are worth exploring. This is a subject, that I believe, that the Reformed tradition has dropped the ball on. More on that later.



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