Wednesday, April 19, 2006

The Morels Are Here!

The first batch of morels finally came in. We harvested about 2lbs. We caught them at the their start, so we hope to get up to 10lbs. this year. They go for about $24.00 a pound dried.

Morels are rather mysterious. There is only a two week period in which they even come up. April 16 seems to be the magic date in my area. Temperature, sunshine, and moisture also seem to be important factors.

They taste absolutely great. If you're a mushroom lover, then these will certainly be at the top of your list. You can use them in any recipe that calls for mushrooms or you can just cook them up in some butter and garlic. Good stuff.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmm...I wonder why no one is posting on your blog on mushrooms. It's such a fascinating subject-I'm shocked really! Kari

4:34 PM  
Blogger Shane McGrath said...

You may be right. Do you think a Bird Watching post would do any better?

7:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And, the excitement never ends-even after 12 years together! Your wife, Kari

8:46 AM  

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