Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Why Theology Matters

Why should we care about the study of theology? The doctrines that we believe can either damn us or save us, free us or enslave us. Theology matters, because God matters. We need to love and worship God in both spirit and in truth. Since theology seeks to know God for who He really is and what He wants to communicate to us--it is of the highest importance.

We don't study theology to become a connoisseur of theology. We study theology to (1) know the true and living God for who He is and to think right thoughts about Him, and (2) to learn to worship and serve Him better. If my study of theology doesn't lead me to love and adore Him more, then I am doing it for all the wrong reasons.

My heart breaks for those who get "tossed to and fro" by every new wind of doctrine. It can happen to any of us. However, if we exalt the Word of God to mean just that--God's very WORDS to us, then we can't go too wrong. If you love God, then you love His word. You cannot separate the two.


Blogger Josh Martin said...

That's great brother. I wish more theologians portrayed that when they spoke. The main reason I never would pick up a theology book is because those who spoke about theology always seemed very cold. Sure, they were smart, but no passion for the Cross. I must say that John Piper proved me wrong. If all theologians spoke and taught with the aim of bringing others to a deeper love and satisfaction with God, people like me would not have been so turned off.

9:12 AM  

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