Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The Emerging Debate Unfolds

As the Emergent Church begins to defend themselves against their growing list of critics, it will be interesting to see what "dogmatics" they will come up with to defend themselves. By not wanting to take a stance on some historic doctrines like Hell, Sin, and Justification by Faith, they will undoubtedly take a stand on lesser issues. Even as we speak, the Emergent Apologists are being groomed--let's get ready to rumble!!

In summary, the Emergent Church has the following going for it: (1) A good analysis of current problems in the Evangelical Church, (2) a hunger and concern for the church and it's effectiveness in it, (3) a desire for something different than what Evangelicalism has been giving them, and (4) a concern for social issues.

They also have much going against them, such as: (1) a disdain for historic creedal and propositional understandings of doctrines, (2) an anti-Reformed sentiment, (3) a tendency to side with Liberals on important issues, (4) a theology that starts with man instead of God, (5) wishy-washy doctrinal positions that make them comfortable with Liberals, Roman Catholics and everything else under the sun, and (6) a weak understanding of the Gospel.

Simply put, the Emergent movement is dangerous to the Gospel. It exalts man over God, has a low view of Scripture, and is weak in it's understanding of the Gospel and the Church. Not everyone who identifies with the Emerging Church is guilty of this, but the leading spokesmen certainly are. Having an Orthodox statement of faith is no longer adequate in our Post Modern culture--we have to define our terms and come to certain conclusions. Don't be swayed by a good statement of faith--it can mean anything a Post Modern wants it to mean. Brian McLaren will swear up and down that he affirms the historic doctrines of the church, but it simply doesn't hold true once he is pressed on it. Be wise and discerning with this movement.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice gut shot!

9:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How do you define the Gospel?

7:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...as in.. you said the EC has a weak understanding of the Gospel. So i was just wondering what your understanding of the gospel is -- thats all...

7:54 PM  
Blogger Shane McGrath said...

Thanks for interacting guys. I didn't even notice your posts until now. Sorry for the delay.

The Gospel involves faith in Christ for the forgiveness of our sins. According to scripture, God's wrath rests upon all of us as we enter into the world. The reason for this wrath is our ungodliness (Roms 1:18 2:9). Christ bore the wrath of His Father on our behalf. We are imputed His righteousness by an act of grace on His part (Roms 5:1).

McLaren, and other Liberals like him, are "uncomfortable" with such language. When he is pressed on such issues like hell, sin, and wrath, he won't give direct answers. He's a smart guy. He knows what he really believes on those issues but he doesn't want to come out and say it. Once the "L" word is put on him, his time will be short lived with the Evangelical crowd.

There's nothing more deadening than liberalism. Liberalism sucks the very life out of the church. Look at the liberal mainline denominations--if there isn't a clear message to preach, then what's the point?

9:45 AM  

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