Tuesday, April 04, 2006

James White Debates Calvinism

James White and Tom Ascol will be debating Ergun Caner and Emir Caner on the subject of Calvinism on October 16, 2006 in Lynchburg, Virginia (see here). It seems that Ergun Caner has emerged as the anti-Calvinistic pitbull of the Baptist churches. He's had some rather harsh things to say about John Piper and others who are obviously influencing Baptists across the board. It will be interesting to see if he (they) can actually back up some of their rhetoric during a formal debate.

Unfortunately, I don't have high hopes for the debate since it would seem that the subject matter will be "all over the place." Don't look for any in-depth discussion on Romans 9 or John 3:16. James White is really at his best when he goes into the actual text of scripture and forces his opponent to deal with what it (the grammar) actually states. I would highly recommend his debate with George Bryson (purchase here). During the cross-examination period Bryson was stumbling all over himself. Bryson now refuses to debate White unless the cross-examination part is taken out (imagine that).

Though I don't think that this debate will accomplish much, I do think that it might open some doors for some better dialogue on the subject. There were rumors that Albert Mohler and Paige Patterson were going to have an informal debate on the issue at the next Southern Baptist Pastor's Conference. I don't know if that will really happen, but it would be a step in the right direction.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ergun Caner is a very gifted communicator and one of the most gifted debators that I have ever heard. I have been disappointed at his rather surprising stance on Calvinism though. I actually heard him say a couple of years ago at Liberty that he considered himself reformed theologically. I knew then though that his has view of reformed seemed somewhat different than mine. He also stated very directly that too many in the 'reformed camp' take it too far. I could never understand what he meant by that statement. He was challenged by a student and then he proceeded to chew that poor guy up and spit him out. I must say that he is an excellent apologeticist with Muslims and gnostics, not to mention he is becoming more and more prominent in the mainstream media as a Christian 'talking head'. I look forward to this debate.

11:34 PM  
Blogger Shane McGrath said...

I think that this debate will be mainly heard by Christians--it's an in-house debate. Debates aren't a bad thing if they can lead to some clarity.

I've heard and seen some debates that brought clarity out of confusion. Christ and Paul both engaged in debate of one sort or another. It's not all bad.

5:22 PM  
Blogger Josh Martin said...

I think I may go to this one. I've never been to a formal debate on anything theological.

5:58 PM  
Blogger Shane McGrath said...

I wonder if there is any truth about Mohler and Patterson?

10:51 PM  
Blogger Josh Martin said...

Mohler and Patterson are happening at the convention. I know that mohler is reformed but I don't look for it to turn into a big debate or anything. I have a feeling it will be mostly politics. However, Mark Dever is doing something about church discipline in the evangelical church. That would be what I would attend.

1:43 PM  

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