Saturday, February 04, 2006

C.S. Lewis and the Moral Law

The Moral Law, or Law of Human Nature (as Lewis sometimes called it) deals with the "natural" inclination of all humans to recognize a basic thing called "right and wrong". Though there are some cultural latitudes here, there still is, within humans, the tendency to categorize moral behavior into good and bad. This was, according to Lewis, a signpost to the fact that God existed--based upon his understanding of Romans 1 (among other Biblical passages).

Some would object (as one did to Lewis) that "cannibals obviously don't have the same moral standards as an Englishman." Of really? Try this interesting experiment the next time you happen to run into a cannibal: Simply inform him that you have a desire to butcher and eat him for dinner (granted that you have an able translator). What is his reaction? Instinctively, he will inform you of his desire not to be consumed in a meal by you, or any other person for that matter. He objects to your desire and declares it "bad". This will be even more obvious if you try and force yourself upon him, in hopes of making him your meal. "It's a bad and horrible thing to be eaten," declares the cannibal. Thus, the Moral Law is applicable even with someone as seemingly amoral as a cannibal.


Blogger Brad said...

C.S. Lewis Rocks!!

12:41 PM  

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