As many have already pointed out, John Kerry's claim that "53 percent of our children don't graduate from high school" is significantly inaccurate (not even in the ballpark--actually around 16%). His appearance on the Today Show (
Download the video here)--(Right Click, Save As, Desktop) was supposed to be a slam on those "evil Republicans" who mismanage our national affairs, but Kerry actually indicted himself (as a liberal) and those who vehemently insist upon liberal-driven education. Let us assume that Kerry is right (let's play pretend). Who and what would that odious statistic reflect upon?
One thing that the Public Schools are actually good at is graduating kids. The problem isn't with graduation, it's the quality of education. Kerry's blunder was two-fold: (1) He used bogus statistics to try and prove a point, and (2) even if he was right, he actually hurts his own agenda. More great campaign video for 2006 and 2008! Kerry is the gift that keeps on giving!
That's funny. His research is pathetic.
Perhaps, we should have a "everybody graduates day" to make us all feel warm and fuzzy. Do you think that I can get one out of Yale???
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