Prosperity Gospel Makes Cover of Time

I've noticed a trend in the Prosperity Gospel and other forms of heretical teaching in the last 6 years or so. The old way of teaching is passing and the new is emerging in its place. The new "Prosperity-Lite" teachings are emerging from the likes of Joel Osteen and Joyce Meyer, while the older order of the Oral Roberts and the Robert Tilton's are passing. You could say that the user friendly philosophy of many mega-churches have combined with the older Pentecostal prosperity teachings of the past. Its Oral Roberts meets Bill Hybels---or something like that.
The Time article revealed many disturbing things about this segment of the Christian church. Whats so disturbing about this movement is how it is adapting to our current culture. It has broadened its appeal by toning down the message a bit. The image of the sweaty preacher walking up and down the stage yelling out a blatant Prosperity message is out--now we have a smiling and gentle preacher encouraging you to "find God's best" for your life. The heart of the message is still the same, but the style of delivering it has changed.
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