Mark Driscoll And Our Culture

I've been listening to Mark Driscoll lately to try and get a feel for him and his theology. He's a rather unique blend: A self professed "emerging, charismatic, reformed, Baptist" who is theologically and Biblically conservative, yet liberal in his manner of church style. I've heard many good things about him and a handful of criticisms. All in all, I typically like what he has to say.
If you have any insights into Driscoll and the Acts 29 Network of Churches then I'd love to hear about them. What I typically try to determine is this: Is this a movement of the flesh or of the Spirit?
I will be possibly (hopefully) attending the Desiring God National Conference in September. Driscoll is one of the speakers there. I am looking forward to hearing from guys like John Piper and David Wells. We'll have to wait and see if it works out. The lineup of speakers are great and the subject matter is highly relevant for our time. Please pray that I'll be able to attend!
Labels: Theology
No Way! That'd be awesome to see you there. Carrie and I have already paid for the flights and tickets to the DG Conference.
That's it! I'm going! It must be the will of God if you guys are going.
We are seriously considering doing an Elder outing to this conference (at my church). It looks like we probably will. I'll keep you posted on our plans. It would be great to see you guys there!
By the way Brad. Do you know much about Driscoll? I've only recently listened to some of his teachings and have been impressed so far. I read about the "bad language" thing on Tim Challies' blog.
I going to the conference too brother! I am in the same boat with you on Driscoll. I really like what I've seen and heard but not to up to date on the Acts 29 stuff.
That's awesome Josh. I'll end up knowing quite a few people that will be there. It will be alot of fun. I'll have to introduce you to Brad and Carrie from California. Pray that it works out for me to go!
We're taking six from our church (Me, Sharla, Josh, Christy, Larry, & Dorothy). If for some reason Christy can't go, maybe you can room with Josh. I hear he snores though.
Wow. It looks like everyone and their "mom" is going to the conference. I'm very excited about both the subject matter of the conference and the speakers. Can't wait!!
I didn't know much about Mark Driscoll until I read Challies' post. I wrote about my thoughts on his "cussing" already.
I think he has changed a lot over the years. He is maturing as a preacher and focusing more on solid doctrine. He has written an apology on his blog about his desire to tone his language down. I just think he's a work in progress like the rest of us.
I am interested in learning more about Acts 29. At this point, I really like what I've read at their website.
I've only listened to a few of his sermons but they were excellent and contained 0 cuss words.
I think it'd be pretty awesome if he began with something like, "It's an f-ing honor to be here among men I admire so much. I have to keep pinching myself to remind me that this s*** is fo' real." ;) (hope I didn't offend anyone...)
I doubt we'll be hearing anything too controversial from his lips at the DG Conference.
I'm offended, Brad. Kari
I get the impression, also, that he's matured alot over the years. I've been very impressed with his teachings so far.
He's reached a culture in Seattle that is very difficult to penetrate. I'm amazed at how God keeps raising up movements to reach different cultures at different times. Once, he raised up Calvary for the hippies, now He's raising up Acts 29 churches for our times.
It's wonderful to see God raise up a reformed movement that is more progessive in it's methodologies. God's timing is perfect--a revival of Reformed Theology in the last fifty years--and now that's being mixed with a more contemporary modal that is impacting the culture. It's almost like a Reformed Calvary movement for the modern times. Interesting stuff!
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