Stupid In America

Teacher-Student Relationship. A telling moment in the program had one kid stating: "Teachers just don't care." Though this is certainly not the case with every teacher, there is more to that "simple" statement than meets the eye. Traditionally, the relationship between the teacher and pupil was more intimate. In the modern Public School setting, you have one teacher per 20-30 kids. It is physically impossible to attend to the needs of the kids in that kind of setting. Having taught in the Public Schools, I can attest to that fact. Also, many teachers approach their careers in a "what's in it for me" mentality. Though there is nothing wrong with securing your future (in terms of health benefits and salary), this cannot be the primary motive for working with kids. ABC did a great job of pointing these things out.
Teacher's Unions are yet another factor--they have made teachers the main focus, not the kids. They are also extremely liberal and disconnected with most in America. They typically don't share the same values of your typical American. Liberalism has become the creed of the Public Schools, rather than a more well-rounded approach to education.
Low Expectations. You shoot for the dirt and you typically end up with dirt. While substitute teaching in the Louisville area, I was horrified as I watched kids cussing out teachers, sexually harassing fellow students, and refusing to do their work. What was the punishment for such behavior? A trip to the office, a pat on the back, and back to the classroom they go! What was their justification for allowing such behavior? "We need to deal with these kids where they are!" Which, of course, is in the dirt. Dust we came and to dust we shall go!
Bravo to ABC for giving an honest and balanced look inside America's Public Schools!
Labels: Politics
Good post.
Great post! John Stossel did an excellent job of pointing out the BIG problems with public education in America. I briefly talked to someone about it at church this morning who hadn't seen the show. He actually heard about it through someone at his work (real estate office). It's good to know that the debate and discussion is continuing.
Well, this makes me even more sure that our decision to homeschool was the way to go. My kids get one on one help and attention. I know exactly where they are struggling and where they are exceeding. I have a heart for my kids to learn, because I love them. No one else will care about my kids as much as I do. I don't subscribe to the idea that homeschooling is the "only way" or "God's way", but I am certain it's what for us. I love spending the time with my kids. Thanks for sharing this with us.
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